The lockout is over. Thank the mediator (that is my new substitute for goodness right now.)
113 days of missed hockey until the two sides finally came to an agreement. Tentatively.
I was finally starting to give up hope of having a season. I was ready to throw in the towel and just call it quits.
I was sick of hearing about the countless proposals that were false hope every time they were put on the table. One minute it'd all be looking good and then BAM! One of the sides ripped it apart and said, "no way Jose, I'm not agreeing to that."
It was very disheartening to be honest. This last week of negotiations I just stopped paying attention all together. Every newspaper article and twitter mention and radio story I heard or saw about the "ongoing negotiations" got tuned out by me.
So there I was. Done with the lockout. Done with the positive idea of a potential half season when once again a BAM moment happened.
4:02 am - late Saturday night for some people, early Sunday morning for others- I received a phone call from a coworker of mine.
I answered the phone very groggily, not sure if I was actually dreaming this phone call or not, when all I heard was,
Huh? What just happened. He hung up on me.
Well now I'm awake so I look at my text messages and have four from said coworker all along the lines of,
"The Lockout is over!" "Check twitter!"
In my future as a sports reporter I hope I never have to report on such a thing. Lockouts suck. I have missed hockey more than I ever imagined I would.
I end my post with an exciting picture. Super excited to put this uniform back on soon!
Flight Squadron is back in action!
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